Fabrics for Tablecloths - Dots

Discover our extensive range of fabrics by the metre, perfect for creating washable tablecloths and napkins. Immerse yourself in our collection featuring unique custom prints on high-quality cotton, water-repellent polyester, and a variety of lace fabrics. Whether it's safeguarding your kitchen, dining area, living room table, or even sprucing up your outdoor terrace, tablecloths offer both practicality and style. Choose the fabric that suits your needs, whether it's for interior or exterior use. Elevate your indoor spaces with fabrics like cotton, cotton poplin, gabardine, and decorative fabrics. Tablecloths are not limited to daily use; they add elegance to special occasions like family celebrations and social events, including weddings. For formal gatherings, indulge in the luxurious feel of satin, chiffon, or tulle, ideal for embellishing your table decor. Satin and chiffon also lend themselves beautifully to table skirts at banquets. Step outside and explore our selection of waterproof fabrics, such as water-resistant polyester, water-repellent polyester, and Teflon-coated fabrics, designed to withstand the elements while maintaining their charm.

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  1. Add to Wish List Water-resistant Polyester TD/NS Fabric Dots 4mm black
    Water-resistant Polyester TD/NS Fabric Dots 4mm black
    / m Incl. VAT
    In stock 13,90 m
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  2. Add to Wish List Cotton Premium Brown Dots white
    Cotton Premium Brown Dots white
    / m Incl. VAT
    In stock more than 50,00 m
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  3. Add to Wish List Cotton Premium Takoy Cherries and Polka Dots
    Cotton Premium Takoy Cherries and Polka Dots
    / m Incl. VAT
    In stock 21,30 m
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